
Customer relationship management The generally accepted purpose of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is to enable organizations to better serve their customers through the introduction of reliable processes and procedures for interacting with those customers. In today's competitive business environment, a successful CRM strategy cannot be implemented by only installing and integrating a software package designed to support CRM processes Improving customer relationships CRMs are also claimed to be able to improve customer relationships . Proponents say this is because: CRM technology can track customer interests, needs, and buying habits as they progress through their life cycles, and tailor the marketing effort accordingly. This way customers get exactly what they want as they change. The technology can track customer product use as the product progresses through its life cycle, and tailor the service strategy accordingly. This way customers get what they need as the product ages. In industrial markets, the technology can be used to micro-segment the buying centre and help coordinate the conflicting and changing purchase criteria of its members When any of the technology driven improvements in customer service (mentioned above) contribute to long-term customer satisfaction, they can ensure repeat purchases, improve customer relationships, increase customer loyalty, decrease customer turnover, decrease marketing costs (associated with customer acquisition and customer “training”), increase sales revenue, and thereby increase profit margins.

30 julio 2005


Alla VOY! :S
Se terminaron mis vacaciones :S Mañana a la noche vuelvo a la docta, vuelvo al estudio, vuelvo a tener que soportar a mi roommate.
Pero no todo es malo, voy a verlas a mis amigas :D :D :D
Mis animos estan bien... por suerte mi capocha dejo de pensar. Me propuse no pensar mas en lo que paso con Benji!, dejar que el tiempo pase y dejar que las cosas se den como tenga que ser.
El miercoles me paso algo loquisimo! Estaba yo en la radio donde hace un programa mi amiga Celeste...
Jairo: Te puedo decir algo?
Mirko: Seh...
Jairo: Sos muy lindo
Mirko: emmm gracias
Y no le dije nada mas...
Despues volvi adonde el estaba y hablaba con una chica. Entro...
Jairo: Si Mirko es re lindo.
Mirko: ...

Hoy a la noche es la gran fiesta gran, cumple años un chico gay de aca y hace "la fiesta", con todos los del gremio :P Tengo ganas de ir, todavia estoy esperando que me llame Celeste para ver si vamos o no. Iriamos con Joel, su mejor amigo, tb gay y que tah bueno! :P
En fin... a preparar los bolsos mañana :S

By Mirko |

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Que tal si te le adelantas a tu amiga y le hablas tu? Seria bueno un en excelente fin de semana antes de reiniciar con los estudios...

Gracias por visitar mi espacio...

Saludos, estamos en contactol....

Feliz fin de semana y adelante...

By Anonymous Anónimo #  


Si la verdad dale y proponle tu ir la verdad una fietsa seria una buena distraccion para timespecialmente que estas apunto de regresar a clases y luego no tenes chance

By Anonymous Anónimo #  


y bueh...algun dia hay q' volver a la puta rutina, no?

By Anonymous Anónimo #  


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